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2016 Volvo VNL 630 Sleeper Cab Semi Truck | Transport Service Vehicle for Sale in Michigan!

2016 Vnl Volvo Semi Truck Michigan for Sale
$44,000 Item No: MI-ST-880H3 Location: Michigan - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Are you ready to take control of the road? This semi-truck is here to revolutionize your trucking experience. With unmatched power and reliability. this semi-truck is built to conquer any challenge.  Don't miss out on this amazing sale and give us a call now!
$44,000 in Michigan
This truck has a new harness front and rear, a clean def system, I shift power, and a 12-speed transmission.  It also has an all-system flash, new air lines, and an air system.


  • Truck Specifications

  • What is the Manufacture Year: 2016
  • Manufacturer: Volvo
  • Model: VNL
  • Chassis Miles: 459,000 miles
  • Condition of Unit: Good
  • Drive Train

  • Transmission: Automatic
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