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2015 Freedom 8.5' x 18' Ice Cream Concession Trailer | Mobile Dessert Unit for Sale in Arizona!

2015 Ice Cream Concession Trailer Ice Cream Trailer Exterior Customer Counter Tennessee for Sale
$14,375 Item No: TN-P-012H3 Location: Tennessee - Pickup or have it transported!
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Don't let this opportunity melt away! Here is an ice cream concession trailer looking for its new owner! See more details and give us a call to find out how you can take it home!


Was:  $16,800
You Save:  $2,425 (14% off)
Price Now:  $14,375

This unit is in good condition and has ample interior space.

NOTE: The generators and ice cream machines that are not part of the sale.

*Minor dings on the body, normal wear and tear on floors, and minor scratches on cabinets.


  • Trailer Specifications

  • VEHICLE Year of Manufacture: 2015
  • Overall Length: 27'
  • Box Length: 18'
  • Width: 8.5'
  • Height: 10'
  • Kitchen Equipment Runs On: ELECTRICITY

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features

  • Air Conditioning: Roof 8,000 BTU
  • Concession Window(s): (1) 3' x 3'
  • Spare Tire
  • Cabinets
  • Stainless Steel Wall Covers
  • Insulated Walls: Aluminum Foam
  • Diamond Plated Aluminum Flooring
  • Exterior Customer Counter: Fold Down
  • Equipment Power Supply

  • Propane Tank(s): (1) 100 pound
  • Solar Panels
  • Shore Power Cord
  • Refrigeration

  • Refrigerator: Manitowoc 47 CU FT 2 Door Up right
  • Ice Cream Cold Plate: 4ft Refrigerated Topping Bar
  • Kitchen Equipment

  • Fire Extinguisher: 1 mounted by smoothie station
  • Electrical

  • Exterior Lighting: 3- LED Lights
  • Interior Lighting: Fluorescent
  • Electrical Outlets: 5 inside
  • Breaker Panel: 100 amp
  • Plumbing

  • Hot Water Heater: 2.5 Gal
  • Hand-washing Sink
  • Triple Sink
  • Fresh Water Tank: 40 Gal
  • Gray Water Tank: 50 Gal
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Prior Equipment Questions...
Do the two generators supply enough power to operate the freezers, fridges, AC and machines plus all the extra blenders and lights, etc.?
Yes, it works fine. The generators combined are running 15.2 kw at 18 kw peak wattage.
How do you keep the trailer cool in the summer months especially in AZ. It doesn't seem like one cooler will be enough. Are you able to operate during the hottest part of the year or just in the spring and fall?
I operated the trailer on the 4th of July in Phoenix, and it did get a bit warm inside. The outside temperature was 120 degrees, and the trailer was in the 100s. Fall, winter, and spring are best for comfort. I was going to install a mini-split for the summer months. I just didn’t get around to it.
What are the power usage requirements for this trailer?
One 240-volt 50-plug works great. The most I have seen the trailer use is 10 kw. With everything running.
I noticed there is room for three machines, even three machines are shown in the pictures, however, only two machines are included in the trailer. Is this correct, Can I add a thrid machine? Is there enough room and power?
Yes you are correct on 2 machines, and its ready for a third. But to add a third machine you would need more power to run it with the current generators. It can be plugged into shore power then all three machines work fine. Need a larger generator is needed when running three machines or needs to be plugged into shore power.
What is the profit margin on this trailer? How busy does it get during the peak months?
The perfect margin depends on the event or where you at. It can be over 70% but it also can be 10% or lower Customer Traffic is the key to the margin. Weather is the driving factor for peak months. Peak months are spring winter and fall in AZ Summertime has a few good events.
How many employee are needed to operate this trailer on an average day? Is it difficult work or can senior and youth operate it? Thank you
Well on slow events less than $1k per day. 2 employees. $2k and above 3 to 4 employees with 4 employees being the max. I do events above $6k per day with 4 people.
On the difficulty with operating the trailer, it depends on what product you’re serving, what events you’re at. If you use Institutional products for your ice cream, Then it will be easier to run with little preparation. If you’re going to make your own recipe then it will take more work and take longer to make. It is a lot of work with the cleaning of the trailer, none of it is difficult but it can make for long days depending on what you’re doing.
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